NiṣādaHermaphroditarchaṃśa (Mal'ta boy ka parivar)

Estimating Mauryan-era incomes from the weight of a mung

Here’s my back-of-the-envelope estimate of incomes for various occupations from the Arthaśāstra. Ideally one would look at the average consumption (+taxes) of a Mauryan household and measure its price in modern terms. This is infeasible, so another approach is to use some real good (mung beans) whose price in paṇas we know as the basis of converting Mauryan-era incomes to modern day:

Ch 5.3 gives the annual incomes for various groups, reported here in 2011 dollars:

Well I’m not completely sure of my calculations. 2.19 also states that 0.75 paṇas buys an āḍhaka (which is supposed to be 1/4 of a droṇa), 6 māṣas buy a prastha (which is 1/16 of a droṇa, and thus 8,000 māṣas according to my calculations?), 1 māṣa buys a kuḍumba (1/64 of a droṇa, thus 2,000 māṣas). Perhaps here māṣa is being used for its weight in silver/gold? IDK.